Supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck

CarMa: poster presentation at GHGT16 by Jean-Pierre Deflandre

GHGT16 Poster Florian Auclair - Deflandre

When looking at the possible large-scale deployment of the BECCS technology at horizon 2050, the CarMa's research program pays also attention to the social issues associated with such a deployment. 

Jean-Pierre Deflandre presented this afternoon the work of Florian Auclair "Is Negative Emissions technologies a more socially acceptable form of CCS? A general analysis of expert’s debates" achieved during the first part of his PhD performed within the frame of the CarMa chair at the CNRS unit based at "Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour" 

Abstract of the presentation can be downloaded here