Supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck

Olivier Massol

Olivier Massol

Professor in Economics
Scientific Assistant Director

IFP School
Center for Energy Economics and Management

Olivier Massol is Professor of Economics and serves as Scientific Assistant Director at IFP School.

He is also Senior Research Fellow at CentraleSupélec (Industrial Engineering Lab.) and Honorary Research Fellow at City, University of London (Department of Economics).

Olivier joined IFP School in 2007 as a Lecturer of Energy Economics. He subsequently became Assistant Professor (2009-2014),  Associate Professor (2014-2021) and Professor at the Center for Energy Economics and Management in 2021. From 2000 to 2007, he worked for Gaz de France (now Engie) – a utility company – as an economist and then a project manager.

Olivier’s research interests and expertise are in applied economics and more specifically in the fields of Industrial Organization and Energy and Natural Resources Economics. His contributions concentrate on questions related to: (i) the monetization of natural resources; (ii) the economics of energy infrastructures; (iii) the modeling of strategic interactions in the energy industries, or (iv) the spatial integration of energy markets. Olivier's research mobilizes a variety of quantitative techniques drawn from game theory, econometrics and operations research.

He is one of the founding members and serves as the Executive Director of the Chair “The Economics of Gas”, a research and teaching initiative. He is also Associate Researcher at the “Climate Economics Chair” (Research Program: Energy Transitions). He also contributes to the IFP School's Chair "Carbon management and negative CO2 emissions technologies towards a low carbon future" (CarMa). Olivier is an elected council member of the French Association for Energy Economics.

Olivier Massol graduated with an Ingénieur Civil des Mines degree (Saint Etienne, 1998), a MSc. degree in Energy Economics (IFP School) and a MRes. in Industrial Organization (Paris-Dauphine University). In 2013, he received his PhD. in Economics from City, University of London and defended an Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in Economics at Paris-Dauphine University.

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